Saturday, November 29, 2008


In the past week and half or whatever it's been, I've:
  1. Got a tatoo
  2. Moved into a new house
  3. Found and started a new job
  4. Learned to thoroughly enjoy my new job
  5. Make friends with my new co-workers who have finally found that its ok for them to make fun of me, thus more firmly solidifying the otherwise awkward friend/co-worker relationship
  6. Got my road bike stolen
  7. Hated all of humanity
  8. Built up a new road bike with old parts donated to me by Tavis and Alex
  9. Learned that some of humanity is so friggen awesome
  10. Learned to like my new road bike well enough even though its not my old road bike, which I loved through-and-through
  11. Some other stuff and stuff
Anyway, it's been tumultuous, I guess. But a smooth, fun little tumult. My new job gives me time to run in the morning and ride in the afternoon, which is the jam, but I'm still feeling like I'm not getting enough hours on the bike, especially not off-road. My riding was terrible for a few days, which led me to feel sorry for myself and express this sorriness ot Jamie of Weaverville BMX and ProBikes, and he told me I need rest. I listened to what he had to say, and I very much trust his advice, but being one who always trusts, but never takes other's advice, I decided to just get rid of my geared bike for the time being. So I did that. No more stupid gears off-road. Singlespeeds are so much more reinvigorating than any rest could ever be, and it doesn't make you miss these stupendous fall days.

Or something.

Don't tell Jamie I didn't take his advice. He'll be pissed. He said that's why my road bike got stolen--so I couldn't ride it. Knowing him, he's probably got it stashed at home, or he sold it to some kid at the BMX track for $125. Dang.

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