Wednesday, June 11, 2008

This is why...

In terms of the typical cyclist's blog, my housemate/freind/personal style inspiaration, Mikey ( said there are three reasons to have a blog:
  1. to brag
  2. to bitch
  3. to give a nod to sponsors

While I normally love categorization (it exemplifies higher-level cognition, plus it's great fun) these three seem a bit too limiting. I really just wanted an outlet for all the mindless wanderings of my, well, mind, which tends to crescendo during my morning commute. Since I was elevan, I ran just about every day and sort of gave up writing around that time because it was all so fluid in my head and we started learning in school how to discern good literature and poetry from rubbish, and well...being the self-aware person that I am, I realized it'd be better to keep those ill-worded thoughts to myself.

But then I stopped running daily a couple months ago, leaving me feeling generally unsettled, but doing nothing to quell the aimless ponders, observations, and realizations that flow so readily through my head while biking down the same stretch of road every morning following 4 cups of coffee and as many New York Times articles that I can cram in before having to leave.

I suppose the real straw that broke the camel's back, or better yet, the wave that broke the front off the ship (, for some irreverant--and irrelevant--British humor) was the desire to better sort out this tumultrous period of transition: from college kid to pseudo-adult, from obsessive runner to trying to make more sense out of running, and from a kid who could ride a bike alright to a mountain biker who now tries to make enough money from racing to allow me to maintain this rediculous hobby and still have enough money to eat. Plus, all my friends have blogs, and I wanted one too, goddammit.

And just like my general day-to-day thoughts, this blog has no purpose, will probably never draw any sort of significant conclusions, will be incongruous, half-formed, and non-sensical most of the time. But at the very best, it'll sincerely try to by entertaining enough to read from time-to-time, and at worst (which may actually be for the best...) it'll just blend in with all the other crap on the internet that makes up the one terabyte of information floating around out there. Surely y little contribution of crap will go unnoticed in such an unfathomably hugh pile.

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